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Watch our calendar for social and fun activities sponsored by our union.

On May 17, 1954, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously in favor of the plaintiffs. Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote the opinion, which stated that “separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.”
Charles developed a deep desire to advocate for others, especially young people who faced obstacles like his own.

The highly anticipated 17th Triennial AFSA Constitutional Convention will take place in Las Vegas in July 2025. 

This pivotal gathering is poised to be a cornerstone event, focusing on AFSA constitutional amendments, critical discussions and decisions regarding essential public policy stances. Additionally, the convention will offer an array of professional learning courses and leadership training tailored to union leaders.

“I can’t believe I’m paid to do what I love.”
“School is not just about learning, but about community.”
The U.S. Department of Education’s (DOE’s) Office of Technology recently reached out to AFSA to identify school leaders to join roundtables and share their insights on AI.
You know how most people try to get out of lunch duty? I love lunch duty. It connects me with kids.