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On May 17, 1954, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously in favor of the plaintiffs. Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote the opinion, which stated that “separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.”
Charles developed a deep desire to advocate for others, especially young people who faced obstacles like his own.

Two years ago, we compared the opioid epidemic to the mortgage crisis that nearly cratered the global economy, noting how corporate greed caused both. Recent reporting in The Washington Post and other media outlets reveals an important difference between the two:

Unlike the regulators who were blithely ignorant of what was happening in the financial markets, officials at the Drug Enforcement Administration knew exactly how many opioid pills were being distributed in the United States and where they were going.

People who work every day are “not interested in a sliver of change or gestures” from politicians
For more than three decades, Immigration Judges have had the right to their union—all that is changing.
500 San Diego Unified School District principals, vice principals, school police supervisors, operations managers, and education, food and transportation supervisors join AFSA.
Sixth graders taught to see transition turmoil as ‘normal, temporary' perform better in class

For close to 10 years AFSA has been speaking up for a more comprehensive school safety program at the federal level. Our union had reached out to Congress, the White House and the Department of Education with a host of ideas and recommendations. Unfortunately, nothing has happened as lawmakers turn away.

Today in Washington the gun issue is heating up as we head into the start of a new school year and two mass shootings in a single day.